
Structure & ExteriorTransportableLifestyleContemporary
ExcavationPC sum for excavation of house pad, backfilled with compacted sand
ServicesConnection to council services within 10m of house
SubfloorH3.2 SG8 Bearers and floor joists inc stainless steel fixings
 H1.2 T&G Strandboard flooring, 18mm (H3.2 in wet areas)
 R1.4 Expol underfloor insulation.
 Standard NZS 3604 foundations with single course of blocks and 100mm thick slab or ribraft option
FramingH1.2 SG8 90x45 timber framing to all walls
InsulationEarthwool; to wallsR2.4R2.4R.2.4
 Earthwool; to ceilingsR7.0R7.0R7.0
Cladding180mm wide BGC Duraplank
 180mm BGC Nuline plus
 Brick claddingPremier range
 Cedar or other feature cladding as per plan
RoofColoursteel longrun roof
 Pressed metal tiles or longrun Colorsteel
Soffits450mm soffits & scotias as required
 600mm soffits & scotias as required
Fascia & SpoutingColorsteel fascia & spouting; UPVC downpipes
Windows & DoorsThermally broken aluminium joinery with Argon double glazing Low E, tinted glass to all windows & colour matched hardware
Garage doorColorsteel fineline motorised sectional garage door
 Colorsteel fineline insulated motorised sectional garage door
PaintingExternal painting, maximum 2 colours
 Internal Painting to walls maximum 3 colours, ceilings and trims; feature walls upon request
Gib stoppingStopping level 4 to internal walls
 55 or 75mm gib cove to ceilings
 Square stop or feature coving to walls
Internal linings10mm standard Gib to walls; ultraline to ceilings; aqualine to bathrooms
 13mm standard Gib to walls; ultraline to ceilings; aqualine to bathrooms
DoorsFlat finish painted hollow core doors
 Grooved painted hollow core doors
 Door furniture from our Miles Nelson S range
 Door furniture from our Miles Nelson Satin Graphite range.
Finishing lines60 x 10 radiata architrave to all windows & doors. 60 x 10 radiata skirting
ShelvingMelteca fitted walk-in wardrobe where shown on plans
 Metal ventilated shelving to wardrobes and cupboards
 Melteca shelving to wardrobes and cupboards;
Floor coveringsSheet vinyl to kitchen, bathrooms and laundry
 Vinyl plank to kitchen & laundry
 5kg carpet & 12mm underlay
 7kg carpet & underlay
TilingTiling to bathroom floors with tiled skirting; tiled above vanities
TapwareMethven Echo Strata tapware
 Methven Echo Minimalist tapware
 Raymor Cove tapware
Plumbing180L Mains pressure hot water cylinder
 Gas Instantaneous water heateroptionaloptionaloptional
BathroomSirrocco 1000 x 1000 shower cubicle, chrome or white frame
 Frameless glass tiled shower
 Newtech Qube wall hung vanities with mirror over
 Raymor Boston single drawer wall hung vanities with mirror over
 Raymor Aramada vanity with vitreous china top
 Back to wall WC suite with soft close lid
 Ideli Sapphire 1700mm long free-standing bathtub where applicable
 Adesso Memphis Clearstone freestanding bath
 In-line extract fans and chrome heated ladder towel rails
KitchenPC sum for Designer Kitchen with Glass Art coloured splashback
 PC sum for Designer Kitchen with Engineered stone benchtop and Glass Art coloured splashback
 Bosch ceramic hob, single oven, Vissari rangehood
 Bosch 60cm dishwasher
 Smeg ceramic hob, double oven & rangehood & dishwasher
LaundryLaundry tub with washing machine connections
 Built in laundry unit
ElectricalPower points, TV & phone connections, interlinked smoke alarms
 Upgraded switches and power points with USB sockets, TV & phone connections, hard wired security and smoke alarms
 Recessed LED Lighting & feature lighting points as per plans
HeatingWall mounted heat pump sized to suit house
Plans & consentsPlans and specifications for building consent
 PC sum for council building consent.
Guarantee10 year Registered Master Builders guarantee.
ComplianceAll construction in accordance with NZ3604 and relevant council requirements.
 Prices based on high wind zone and exposure zone B
InsuranceContractor's all-risk and public liability insurances
 Marine insurance for transportation to site
ExclusionsDevelopment contributions and resource consent fees, power company capital contributions, rural septic and stormwater requirements, patios and driveways, landscaping & retaining walls, geotech report, engineer's fees, curtains & blinds, decks & baseboards
Exclusions (Transportable)Relocation consent, transport to site, foundation piles and pile connections, all on site connections
 Other options may be available on request